Sunday, April 8, 2007

Sunday Scribblings-In the News

In the news

I hate the news. I tend to be a general tv-hater anyways, but I despise the news. I hate local news, national news, celebrity "news", any type of news whatsoever.
To me, no news is good news.
How then did I end up in a family of tv/media junkies?
My family loves the news,they would have it on 24/7 if I would let them. We'd watch the morning news, the noon news, the 5 o'clock news, the 5:30 news and then the 6 o'clock news. Before bed we'd flip between the 10 o'clock news on one local station and the 11 o'clock news that is broadcast at 10 on cable. Then we'd finish up with the 11 o'clock news on yet a 3rd local l station. In between all of these broadcasts we can flip between all of the various cable news networks that broadcast 24/7. They would do this, if only I would let them. I am constantly yelling at them "Shut that crap OFF!!" If its a local broadcast they'll whine, "I want to see the weather." Sometimes I let them, sometimes I tell them to a. watch the weather channel, b. get it online or c. look out the window.
I hate the news.
I try not to watch it. I wont watch it. I don't watch it.
Because it is nothing but doom and gloom and horror and mayhem.
Gas prices are up.
Egg prices are up.
This is up.
That is up.
This is down.
That is down.
This horrible thing happened here.
That horrible thing happened there.
Or is happening right now, as we speak/watch.
Its too cold, prices are going to go up.
Its too hot, prices are going to go up.
Its too dry, prices are going to go up.
Its too wet, prices are going to go up.

The sun still comes up in the morning and sets at night.
The plants still grow, the fruit still ripens, the chickens still lay their eggs.
The wind still blows, the rain still comes, we all still live and die.

Life goes on.

I figure if something that really,truly, happens that affects me, I'll know it.
I don't need some talking head on the tube to tell me about it.
I don't need some expert, sofa-quarterback talking expert heads on the tv to tell me about it and what it means and how I should feel and what I should or shouldn't be doing about it
for hours.

I don't know. I don't want to know. I don't need to know
and sometimes
I just don't care anymore.

Which one is worse?
Chicken Little carrying on about the sky falling?
The Ostrich hiding her head in the sand?

Friday, April 6, 2007

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday Scribblings #53- deepest,darkest

Sunday Scribblings

Deepest, Darkest

I don't tell anyone my deepest, darkest secrets.
I don't tell anyone my deepest darkest fears.
I don't tell anyone my deepest darkest hopes.
I don't tell anyone my deepest darkest dreams.
I don't tell anyone my deepest,darkest thoughts.
I don't tell anyone much at all.

I wonder if they really knew what went rattling through my brain most days what would they think of me?
Would they be surprised? Would they even care?
Would I?
Do I?
I do.

Sometimes I sit and look at people and think "If you only knew, really KNEW, what I think about you, feel about you, you'd probably slap me silly. Or hate me. You certainly wouldn't be sitting here talking to me, telling me all this inane blahdidy, blah,blah,blah that you keep going on and on and on about. I wouldn't have to sit here and be polite and smile and nod and make noises like I really,truly give a damn about whatever it is that you keep barfing out all over me.

Today isn't really April Fools Day...

Its my oldest sons birthday!!!!
(really, it is!)

He turns 18 today!! EIGHTEEN!

I can't believe he's 18. I can't believe I am the mother of an 18 year old. I'm just not old enough for this yet! LOL! I was 18 when he was born, now he's 18. Time just flies!!Here he is, the day we brought him home from the hospital. Now he's all big and tall and hairy! LOL!! Still cute as a bug and still as sweet as pie though. He's gonna be so embarrassed if he reads this! LOL! Thats ok, he'll always be my little punkin'.

My other two boys are (almost) 16 and 14. The youngest will turn 18 the year I turn 40. Its kinda crazy, isn't it? I've been a housewife for 18 years now. My entire adult life has been spent here at home, with my kids. No complaints at all about that. Its been my complete and total choice to stay home and raise my babies. I've loved being at home, always have, always will.

Now I think of what on earth am I going to do once all my boys have flown the nest? I honestly have no idea. I suppose I'll go back to school, get some sort of college degree, even though I'll feel like a complete fool starting college at age 40. Who's gonna hire an old broad like me anyways? Get a job, earn more $$. Eh. For what? A fancier house? More stuff? *ppffffftt* Who needs it? I've never been into that sort of thing anyways.

I'm sure things will all work out.
God willing, I've got time to get it figured out.
Until then I'll just savor every minute of this crazy life of mine and wish my 1st born


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Yesterday and Todays Outfits

This was what I wore Friday (above).
This is what I have on today. I really liked how this went together. I read somewhere to put together an outfit using "threes", rather than just a skirt and shirt you should add one more item, shirt,skirt and sweater. Adding that 3rd element makes it look more put together than just the 2 items. Today is the first I've tried this and I really like how it looks!

The cardigan is a Liz Clayborn that I bought at Goodwill for $1.50! At that price, I can have a different sweater everyday. :) I like the black piping on it. I usually would have worn my brown ankle boots with this, but since the sweater has the black on it, I think I can get away with wearing my comfy black shoes today instead.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Thrift store finds

'Twas a slow thrifting day yesterday.

You all are probably going to laugh at this, but I love it. Pure,vintage thrift! Do you know how much something like this sells for on Ebay? Around $10 + shipping. I got it for $2.99. Its in mint condition, I don't think its ever been worn and its got to be as old as I am (vintage 70's LOL). It totally reminds me of something my mom or maybe my grandma would wear. Definitely something Carol Brady would wear, LOL! 100% puuuuuuure nylon too! Its like wearing your own sauna around the house. I don't dare wear it in the kitchen, good heavens, I go up in flames like a piece of charcoal! Too bad I don't use hair curlers! Until I work up the nerve to tackle that vintage robe sewing pattern, this will have to do.
The entertaining book is from 1969. The pictures are just great! Folks sure did know how to set a colorful table back in the 60's!! LOL! The Home Ec book is from 1937. I paid $3.00 for it. This is my favorite buy of the day. I just love this little book. I spent most of last night reading it. Its just swell! I was kind of surprised to find several recipes that I'd like to try and there are some sewing instructions, complete with photos that I know I'll use.
100% silk Ann Taylor cardigan sweater for $1.99 - 25% off. The flash washed the color out on this one. Its much more a cadet blue color than the grey it looks like here.

Didn't find what I was looking for at all. I need a little lamp to put on a table in my "reading corner" of my sewing room. Better luck next time! I did enjoy the afternoon. The sun had come out and it warmed up considerably. I got to spend a couple of hours with Son#1, who is turning 18 on Sunday. EIGHTEEN. When did that happen? I still can't believe my baby is going to be 18.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Outfit of the Day

Its a rather boring outfit today, favorite jean skirt and a basic black long-sleeve tee. I was looking at it thinking "How can I make this prettier and more fun?"
I love these shoes! Just love them! I don't wear them often, but I should. I really love how the socks repeat not only the color of the shoes, but also the flowers. Fun,fun,fun!

I also took the effort to comb my hair back into a neat and tidy ponytail (its usually a messy ponytail), put alittle bit of makeup on and I even put earrings in my ears. My mom won a pretty pair of earrings at the ladies retreat this weekend. Her ears aren't pierced, so she gave them to me. I really like dangly earrings. I need to add a few to my jewelry box. I have a roundish face and I like how the long earrings help add some "length" to it.

So, I feel all pretty and put together today. I'm leaving to go thrift store shopping here after lunch, wish me luck! If I find anything good, I'll be sure to post it!

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