Friday, March 16, 2007

Fish on Friday

Inspired by the Iron Chef Moms challenge running all this past week at Like Merchant Ships and MotherLoad, I decided I am going to spend the next couple of days doing my own cost analysis on my family's supper dishes.

Tonight was
Fish Almondine
Black Bean Compote
Buttered Noodles

It came to approximately $10.75, that fed the 5 of us, full. With leftovers. I have a couple of fillets left that I'm saving for a chowder later this weekend, about half of the beans and noodles that we can eat for lunch tomorrow or the next day. That totals out to $2.15 a plate, not counting the leftovers.

It breaks about like this, keeping in mind that I threw the fish wrappers away so I'm going off memory. I also didn't count EVERYTHING, seasonings, a slosh of olive oil, etc.

Fish- $6.50 (pollack that I bought on sale and froze. I don't remember how much it was or how much I'd bought. I had 5 packages of it and they were all priced at about $1.25 or $1.30 each, so thats just a guess-timate)
Almond topping-$1.00
Noodles- $1.00
Bean Compote- $2.25
(can of black beans .67
can of green chilies .66
can of diced tomatoes .50
butter, garlic clove, lime juice aprox. .25

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