Monday, March 12, 2007


Why there is a Qtip laying on my sofa in between the two dogs, I do not know.

The cats are sisters. We rescued them from a barn when they were only a couple of days old. The farmers kids were throwing them against the wall. We were supposed to find homes for them once they got big enough to leave their mother. That was 5 years ago. :\
Cats, from left to right, Lily, Rosy, Violet.

I'm much more of a dog person. I tolerate the cats, but I LOOOOVE my doggy-girls! Both dogs were rescued from the pound where they were both scheduled to be put down.

Chrissy (left), was thrown out of a moving car at age 3 months. She had a broken back leg and was going to be put to sleep. Her foster mom saw her, laying in the cage. The pound workers (even though they weren't supposed to) just gave her to the foster mom and she snuck her out of the shelter in her coat. Chrissy occasionally as seizures. Nothing serious, she's doesn't need medication, we're hoping it stays that way.

Tootsie (right), was dumped off in a Wal-Mart parking lot. She was out of time at the shelter. The staff begged a lady ,who was there rescuing a collie, to take Tootsie so she wouldn't have to be put down later that day. Toots ended up with the same foster mom who had Chrissy. We found her via


wendybirde said...

Oh what sweeties they are! I tend more towards cats (i know, let the fur fly) but have been with some of the sweetest dogs too who i just loved...

Blessed Fur-balling : ) Wendy

Molly said...

I can see why you need the Furminator! Sweet girls.

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