Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Praise God From Who All Blessings Flow!!!!

My sons and a few other homeschoolers met last night to see about forming a team to compete in "Botball".
Problems was that we had to come up with the $2300 registration fee by THIS Friday in order to do so.
We all decided that we would go home and pray about it and see what God would do and we would just buy parts and build our own robot this year, not go to the competition this year but next, in 08. That would give us a full year to save and fund raise the money for the entry fee. Not quite as much fun as being able to go down to Rose-Hulman and actually compete, but fun none the less.

So, all I prayed last night at bedtime prayers was, "Please God, Thy will be done in this, thats all I want, no more, no less."

Tonight, the phone rings and we let the machine pick it up 'cause we were eating. Its the dad who is in charge of the team. We picked up 'cause he sounded excited.

We got a $1800 scholarship!!!
Botball here we come!!!!

Leave it to God! Who else but He is able to provide $1800 in less than 24 hours!
I am, yet again, humbled and ever so grateful.
Thank You, Jesus!!
Thank You!


wendybirde said...

Wow, what a wonderful co-in-see-dance (God dancing with us, I just love saying that)! Truly a miracle : ) I hope it unfolds beautifully for all of you!

Also looking forward to seeing your new blog unfold. And I thank you so much for linking to me : )

Blessed Week <>< Wendy

wendybirde said...

PS I linked to you, under Ye Library: Musing Journals : )

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